The City of Kingman operates under a Commission-Manager form of government, which combines the strong leadership of elected officials with the managerial experience of a professional city manager.
The Mayor and City Commission comprise the Governing Body. These elected officials are political leaders for the Kingman community, and the Governing Body sets the policy for the City organization.
The City Commission generally meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Kingman City Hall, 324 N. Main, Kingman, Kansas.
City Commission members are elected at large. The City of Kingman has four City Commissioners and a mayor.
The principal job of the City Commission is to establish the general policies under which the city operates. City Commission members are the democratic “voice of the people” and exercise the public’s will by concentrating on issues that are responsive to the needs and the wants of the citizens.