A small group of black walnut trees on a hillside influenced the name selection of Walnut Hill Cemetery.

The Walnut Hill Cemetery Association purchased the original section of the cemetery land from H.J. Karr on February 10, 1882. The cemetery was managed and operated by the association until May 2, 1892 when they deeded it to the City of Kingman.

Early grave site records were loosely kept and many graves were unmarked. In later years the cemetery was enlarged and recording was improved.



Burial Space: $250.00 each

Transfer Fee: A $20.00 transfer fee shall be paid to the City of Kingman for the issuance of a new certificate. Should the owner or owners of any lot or lots in the cemetery of the City desire to transfer a lot or lots, they shall first execute a certificate therefor to the City of Kingman and deliver the same to the City Clerk who will in turn execute to the purchaser of such lot or lots a certificate of such purchase under the seal of the City of Kingman. The City of Kingman shall not recognize a transfer of any kind if done in any other manner.

Burial Permit: A $325.00 permit will be required for casket burials held Monday through Thursday.  A $100 permit will be required for cremation burials held Monday through Thursday. An additional fee for burials on Friday and Saturday will be charged – $200 for casket burials and $125 for cremation burials.  Fees are to be paid at City Hall.

Sundays/Holidays:  No interments, disinterments, or cremation interment services shall be permitted on Sundays or any City-recognized holiday.

Memorial Permit Fee: A $25.00 memorial headstone or marker placement fee shall be charged. A permit will be issued by the cemetery sexton to include the information of the party doing the work, the location of the work, the type of memorial work, and other information necessary to determine that the proposed work will comply with cemetery rules and regulations. All work will be inspected and under the general supervision of the cemetery sexton. Memorial work shall be permitted only during those hours the cemetery personnel are on duty. No memorial work will be permitted when a funeral is in process.


No enclosure of any kind will be permitted around gravesites. The planting of trees, shrubs, or plantings of any kind is prohibited. The City will do all plantings. The sexton may remove any unauthorized plantings or objects on the graves or lots. Such objects as floral frames, vases, lights, etc. may be removed by the sexton and disposed of if not claimed by the owner within seven (7) days after removal. Seasonal, artificial plants, and flowers shall be permitted next to the headstone or grave marker on Memorial Day and seven days following Memorial Day. All monuments and marker shall be granite or bronze. All monuments and markers in the South Addition shall not project above ground more than one-half inch (1/2″) and be set on a concrete base with a four inch (4″) extension on all four sides. For a single grave space, the marker shall not be more than 12″ x 24″ in dimension for adjoining grave spaces. A common marker shall not be more than 12″ x 36″ in dimension. All monuments and markers in the North Addition are to be set on a concrete base with a four-inch (4″) extension on all four sides. The Casket shall be enclosed in a concrete or steel vault or cement box. The use of wooden boxes is prohibited. No vault is required for cremation services. Only two cremation interments are permitted per lot space. No cremation ashes may be spread at Walnut Hill Cemetery. The cemetery sexton shall have the authority to close all or any part of the cemetery to unnecessary vehicle traffic when, in his opinion, such traffic would be injurious to the driveways.


  • All foundations for monuments and marker must extend four (4) inches on all four sides of the monument or marker base and shall be constructed of concrete with steel mesh or rebar. The concrete mixture of one (1) part of portland cement to four (4) parts of good, clean, sharp river sand, thoroughly mixed in a mortar box of sufficient size to insure proper mixing. The top is to be finished smoothly with a trowel and form boards must be used and left in place at least 48 hours.

  • All foundations shall be built no higher than the level of the ground on the high side.

  • All markers, either single or double, when not exceeding eighteen (18) inches shall be set on a foundation not less than eight (8) inches in depth and reinforced with 4x4x6 inch mesh.

  • All monuments or markers more than eighteen (18) inches in height and not more than thirty-six (36) inch height shall be set on a foundation not less than twelve (12) inches in depth and reinforced with 4x4x6 mesh.

  • The depth of the foundation for monuments exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be increased at least six (6) inches and reinforced with one quarter (1/4) inch rebar with eight (8) inch centers.

  • When foundations are constructed in close proximity to or partially over the edge of a grave, the foundations shall be extended on/over the grave bridging the grave, but below the ground so as not to interfere with the future growing or grooming of the grass. The grass damaged by any such construction shall be replaced with sod over the bridge portion of such foundation.

  • All foundation work shall be done when the ground is free from frost and not during freezing weather.

  • The cemetery sexton must approve form setting before cement is placed. All memorial work shall be done under the general supervision of the cemetery sexton. The cemetery sexton will remove all excess dirt. All work shall be completed when cemetery personnel are on duty. No memorial work shall be permitted when a funeral is in process.

  • All headstones and markers shall be granite or bronze.

Darryl Gruenke, Cemetery Sexton

Darryl Gruenke


Walnut Hill Cemetery
900 North Marquette
P. O. Box 168
Kingman, KS 67068-0168

(620) 532-3791