Municipal court exists in approximately 397 cities in Kansas and have jurisdiction over violations of municipal ordinances occurring within the city limits. It is these courts that most citizens come into contact with the administration of justice.
The majority of cases in the municipal court consist of violations of city traffic ordinances. Other cases include violation of City ordinances including curfew violations, property misdemeanors, person misdemeanors, and traffic misdemeanors.
A person is not entitled to a trial by jury in municipal court; all evidence is heard by the municipal judge. If a person is convicted, the judge may impose a fine, a jail sentence, or both, in accordance with city ordinance. An appeal from the municipal court may be taken to the district court of the county. The appeal will be heard by a jury if the defendent make a timely, written request for a jury trial. However, there is no right to a jury trial in an appeal of an ordinance traffic infraction case or a cigarette or tobacco violation case, and such a case must be tried by the court.
Court sessions are generally third Friday of each month on the third floor of the Kingman County Courtroom, located at 130 North Spruce, Kingman, KS 67068.
Arrive early and wear proper attire. Your name will be called for your appearance. If a person would like to discuss their case, he or she may arrive 15 minutes early to speak with the prosecutor. If you have questions please call ahead of time.
A diversion program is offered by the City Prosecutor’s Office that may allow your charge to be dismissed upon completion of certain requirements. For information call Cody Smith, City Prosecutor at (620) 955-6025 or email Diversion applications can also be emailed to There is a $10.00 diversion application fee for traffic offenses and a $20.00 diversion application fee for criminal offenses.

James Mathis
Denise Niedermann
(620) 532-3112
Fax: (620) 532-2147
324 North Main
Kingman, KS 67068
Cody R. Smith
(620) 955-6025
Fax: (620) 955-6038
347 North Main
Kingman, KS 67608